Registration is now open for the VCS Spring Meeting on the 19th of March in the Manchester Convention Centre.
This meeting will focus on congenital forms of heart disease featuring talks from experts in human neonatal cardiology and veterinary experts from across the UK.
The full programme can be found below

0830 – 0900 Registration
0900 Introduction
0900 –0945 Major aortopulmonary collateral arteries in a Dobermann: a case study
Andrew Crosland

Small Animal Teaching Hospital, University of Liverpool

0950 – 1020 Neonatal death in puppies: is congenital cardiac disease to blame?

Caroline Cutler and Kieran Borgeat

Eastcott Referrals

1025 – 1100 Coffee break and sponsors exhibition
1105 – 1120 Heartbeats and Hoofbeats: assumptions and the signalment rabbit hole

Warwick Payne

Companion Care Eastbourne

1125 – 1155 Inherited & Congenital Arrhythmias: Understanding Mechanisms of Disease

Lara Barron

Davies Veterinary Specialists

1200 – 1245 An Approach to Murmurs in Puppies and Kittens

Prof Virginia Luis Fuentes

Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Royal Veterinary College

1250 – 1400 Lunch break and sponsors exhibition
1405 – 1420 When all is not as it seems: a case of AVSD with triatriatum sinister

Laura Korenchy

ChesterGates Veterinary Specialists

1425 – 1515 Congenital Cardiac Surgery: A Contemporary Approach

Dr Shafi Mussa

University Hospitals of Bristol NHS Foundation Trust

1520 – 1535 Alistair Gibson Memorial Grant: Pathway to VTS application

Lindsay Ward

Paragon Veterinary Referrals

1540 – 1605 Coffee break and sponsors exhibition
16:10 – 1700 45 min panel discussion

Dr Shafi Mussa, Prof Virginia Luis Fuentes, Lara Barron, Siddharth Sudunagunta

1700 CLOSE

To register please visit the members section of the website and follow the links under “Registration for Meetings”.
You will also need your unique member number which can also be found in the members section.