Who can perform Heart Screening?

The VCS holds a list of veterinary cardiologists specifically trained and accredited to heart screen dogs & cats. Use the location buttons below to find their details.

Only these cardiologists can provide an official heart screening certificate.  For all dogs & cats, this is currently a paper certificate with carbon copies (white for the owner, yellow for the screening cardiologist, blue for genetic analysis if applicable and pink for the primary care veterinary surgeon). The paper certificate for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels only is different from all other dogs, and there are 3 copies for the owner, Kennel Club and cardiologist.

Please contact the individual cardiologists for details of their appointments & charges.

You will need to provide your registration details for Kennel Club registered dogs, and ask your usual veterinary surgeon to refer you to your chosen screening cardiologist.

The VCS are currently working hard to improve the accreditation process and add new screening cardiologists to the list. We are also in the process of developing an online certificate system to facilitate screening for the owners and cardiologists.


Serena Brownlie10

  • Kileekie, Crosshill, Maybole, Ayrshire KA19 7PY

  • 01655 740 510
  • Auscultation

  • Yes Echo/Doppler Dog

  • Yes Echo/Doppler Cat