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Welcome to the Veterinary Cardiovascular Society!


Our aim is to promote animal welfare through the study and development of veterinary cardiology in all species.


Membership is open to all members of the veterinary and medical professions, such as veterinary practitioners, nurses and academics.  We also welcome students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and researchers, and other suitable qualified workers who share the aim of the society.  Our membership comprises those with a interest in veterinary cardiology right up to ECVIM/ACVIM/RCVS/VTS boarded specialists,  experienced practitioners to those just starting out on their careers.   We are a broad church!


We officially vote in all our new members en bloc during our AGM in the autumn (usually November).  However, as soon as you join, you will be added to our mailing list, receive notices about our meetings and have access to all the society’s webpages and discussion fora. You will also be very welcome to attend and contribute to our meetings , even before you are officially voted in!

Membership Plan

Annualy: £ 30
Renew Membership
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